
About JustGrewIt


JustGrewIt is based on years of having to contend with hair growth. Sometimes you feel like just getting rid of it. Other times you find a particular length, shape and color that appeals to you. And other times, you just want to completely change it up.

Either way, it creates a regular routine to your life that you must sustain in order to maintain whatever length and style suit you. You can either seek professional services to care for your hair, or you can opt to just do it yourself.

So, whether you go to a professional, take matters into your own hands, or a combination of both, there are so many different stlyles, techniques and tools that it all becomes confusing.

JustGrewIt is all about hair.

From the top of your head to the knuuckles on your toes.

Here’s where you come in

Looking for new ideas?

Just Grew It is a community for you to either visit or join. You are invited to participate in conversations, create your own gallery to share, and much more!

What can you do here?

This is the place for you to hang out. You can document the growth of a new hirsuit project, read about caring for it, discuss your experiences and concerns, and find the right products, and meet people.

Capture the Growth!

Create a Gallery! Share your galleries to the sitewide gallery.

Talk about it!

Ask questions. Reply to questions. Talk about styles, colors, tools and anything else.

Lots of Activity!

Ask questions. Reply to questions. Talk about styles, colors, tools and anything else.

Read about it!

JustGrewIt has many articles which deal with all aspects of hair growth and care. Check them ou and feel free to comment (as long as you are logged in).